Festivities Councillor, Maria Elena Marín, the spokesman of the government team, reported this morning in the agreements adopted by the Local Government Board at its regular meeting on May 11, 2010, these agreements are as follows:
- License of work to private.
- Approve Certification No. 8 of the work entitled "Restoration of the North Wall of the Castle of Alhama de Murcia, which amount to the amount of 41,904.28 (including VAT)
- Allocate performance of the service temporarily Summer School, "EDUCAVERANO 2010" Alhama de Murcia, ECOESPUĂ‘A commercial, SL, for the price of EUR 46,500.00, exempt from VAT, pursuant to the tender submitted by the contractor , administrative specifications and technical specifications.
- Commit the City Council to carry out the equipment of the Center for Child Care of the C / The Cherry ", providing the amount of 33,312.00 euros in municipal contribution.
- Start record procurement of works called "Fitting C / La Feria.
Phase II ", with the sum of 165,790.16 euros bid (VAT included).
- Submitting to final provisional award of contract for the completion of the work "Improvement and Refurbishment of Public Lighting to achieve energy savings."
State Fund for Employment and Local Sustainability, the commercial GEDESUR, SL, for the price of 218,887.47 euros, corresponding EUR 35,022.00 plus VAT, pursuant to the tender, offered improvements, specification and Technical Project.
- Approve the Cooperation Agreement between the University of Murcia and the city of Alhama de Murcia, which regulates the operation of a Permanent Seat of University Extension, for a period of two years, for both institutions to jointly revitalize cultural development and social development of its inhabitants.
- Allocate several vacancies in the weekly market to requests on a waiting list of people registered in Alhama de Murcia at least 5 years, awarding the same application by strict seniority, regardless of the retail group that might belong.
- Adhere to the file opened by the Hon.
Murcia City Council for the award of the Gold Medal of the City of Murcia Group Songs and Dances of Murcia Francisco Salzillo Regional Association.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia