This morning we heard on the radio that the Debate of the State of the Municipality that was convened for next Tuesday has been postponed to another date yet to be determined.
It would have been a detail on the part of the new council to communicate it to the spokesmen of the political groups before making it public on the radio.
It is not the first time that this lack of transparency and dialogue with the opposition groups has occurred, on the part of the one who will be mayor of Alhama next year, Mariola Guevara.
Last week we also learned from the press that it was going to be invested on Saturday, the 16th, after Diego Conesa renounced his council act.
We have lived a legislature full of swings as to what I now say one thing and then I retract what has been said.
Hence we had to use the saying "where I said I say now I say Diego", never better said.
Clearly we have survived a period of vertigo for this town hall, with a mayor whose biggest challenge was not the Alhameņos but his personal ascent.
Impulsive person by nature and little measure of their actions or consequences thereof.
Friendly face and charming smile capable of deceiving the most cunning.
The popular party has been repeating it every time it has been possible, Mr. Conesa, far from being the mayor of the Alhameņos, is a man who aspires to go very far in his political career, which seems legitimate to us;
nevertheless, we do not share the way of doing it since everything that has stood in his way has devastated him;
not only that, he has also used the pain and suffering of the Alhameņos to get on the front pages of newspapers and his own Facebook;
we refer to those visits to hospitals to get the cover photo, or those disadvantaged people of Alhama whom this gentleman cajoled to be photographed with him and then aired his problem through social networks without caring about the suffering and damage he did .
We hope that it does not achieve what it proposes, if in Alhama it has already done damage we do not want to imagine what it will do when it achieves the power so longed for at the regional level.
Another proof of his impulsiveness and his restlessness was the Extraordinary Urgent Plenary that he convened last Friday for his resignation, far from waiting for the times and doing things with order, following his pattern of acting hastily, thereby generating the rest of the corporation complicated situations in that they have to modify their agenda at the last minute, with hardly any reaction time;
hence, four councilors of the corporation were absent.
There was no need for that since this plenary was scheduled for Tuesday after the Debate of the State of the Municipality.
There is a popular saying that "past water does not move mill" is true that Diego Conesa is already history in the city of Alhama, but it is fair to put on paper the three years we have lived in this town hall.
Mr. Conesa is a person who has captured so much prominence within the PSOE alhameņo, which has left invisible to the rest of councilors of the government team.
The feeling that we have from the Popular Party, is that it has left a Socialist party headless and without leadership.
For the good of our municipality, let's hope that the current corporation without its leader does not fall apart and can face all the challenges that lie ahead.
Of course Mariola Guevara faces a difficult challenge because he inherits from the previous mayor all his unfulfilled promises just one year after the end of the legislature and all the problems that have remained in the air, and there are many.
Popular Party Alhama de Murcia
Source: PP Alhama de Murcia