IU-Verdes supported the signing of the new agreement with the Ministry of Finance for the collaboration on cadastral management, which involves the exchange of information between the State Administration and the City Council, facilitating the processing of ownership changes, cadastral modifications and the collaboration with the Cadastre.
With the approach of the aforementioned procedures, the management is streamlined, avoiding inconveniences and displacements, to our neighbors, while it serves the City Council to have the database updated immediately.
We also voted in favor of the regularization of invoices that were entered with the closed budget and, therefore, without budgetary appropriation in the year 2017. Through the procedure called extrajudicial credit recognition, the payment of invoices for work and services provided to this City Council that have not yet been satisfied, for an amount of 2011.264 €.
The new bonus from ICIO to Elpozo Alimentación for an urban license for the provisional transfer of a removable cover from its factory, to a nearby plot of land on unsecured urbanizable land, is the 8th application through which the bonus of 30 % of this tax up to 60%, with the commitment to hire full-time and for a period of one year, 15 workers (or its equivalent), from the municipal social exclusion bag, duly accredited by municipal social services.
According to the report that was provided to us from Social Services, on 65 curricula sent from the SEF, there have been about 30 interviews in the Company, of which 11 people have finally been hired.
Our Group will continue to demand information, information about the process and a follow-up on the causes of rejection in the selection process.
For this reason, although from IU-Green we can share the idea of ​​encouraging the creation of employment in especially sensitive sectors of the population, we still maintain our doubts about this bonus procedure.
In the motion to support the Water Pact, from IU-Verdes we denounce the use of water as a throwing weapon and fishing grounds for votes in our Region.
As well as the creation of false expectations with the unviable Trasvase del Ebro and the "Water for all" campaign, to continue denying the evidence that the region has to evolve towards a more sustainable irrigation model and continue to blame the lack of water to time and to other parties.
This Pact is, again, only for partisan use to please some sectors and, apparently, to say that something is being done when nothing is done, falling into the same mistakes of the water policies of the last 25 years.
For what we abstained.
On the motion of the AVE we point out the abuse that our Region is suffering in railway infrastructures, with commuter trains that suffer damages and delays continuously, harming thousands of citizens who use this service, as well as, the continuous breaches of promises of modernization and burial of roads.
Also in our speech we made a recognition to the Pro-Burial Platform that has been fighting for more than 30 years so that in Murcia the train tracks disappear from the surface, intensified since last September after the construction of the so-called "wall of shame" "
Never before had there been such a massive mobilization and for so long in the democratic history of Murcia.
Finally we support the amendment to the whole, which reproduces the motion approved in the Regional Assembly, requesting the completion of works of the Camarillas variant, modernization of the commuter network, the interconnection of the main cities of Murcia, the restoration of the connection with Andalusia and the streamlining of the underground works of the roads in Murcia.
In the question and answer section, we demand that the bases for university transport aid be modified to expand coverage, we are interested in the process of adhesion to the proposal to name the current IES Valle de Leiva "José Calero Heras Cultural Center", about the elimination of uncontrolled garbage dumps in ramblas, the process of modification of the regulation of parking cards for the disabled and the revision of the Municipal Inventory.
Source: IU-verdes Alhama