The Councilor for Social Services, Nani Navarro, has informed together with the coordinator of the municipal center of Social Services, Eva Mª León, of the activities scheduled for the International Day of Volunteering, which as every year is celebrated worldwide 5 December, since it was instituted by the United Nations in 1985.
This year's motto is 'The Supervolunteers' and will take place on Sunday, December 2, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Plaza de la Constitución, where there will be an exhibition / exhibition of social associations with various activities.
It is a playful act in which these entities will publicize the work they do, in addition to the dissemination and dissemination of the work carried out by each of them.
The act will start with a great chocolate and will have a health workshop, another one of plates and popcorn and a photocall with cartoon characters and exhibitions, among others.
There will also be associations that will carry out a collection of signatures with the objective of requesting a regulation of the betting house.
At the end of this event there will be a great human chain in which it will be given to all those people who attend a handkerchief simulating those volunteers.
Within this day there will be an activity directed by Ecoembes, and in collaboration by Paparajote Factory, in which will teach the importance of recycling, with a photocall and gifts and for the participants.
The event will have a total of 16 entities: Cáritas, Scout Group of Alhama de Murcia, Red Cross, Francisco Munuera Foundation, D'Genes Association, Friends of the Fleets Association, Youth Association Youth Creative Action, AECC, Manos Unidas, Hospitality Lourdes, Archicofradía Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno, Pro-Food Association 'A little is a lot', Association of Fathers and Mothers of the Las Salinas Day Center, Cavalli Foundation, and the members of the Psychosocial Attention municipal center.
Caritas Alhama of Murcia
Elaboration of chocolate.
Spanish Association Against Cancer
Dissemination of your entity and raising funds.
Manos Unidas
Dissemination of your entity.
Hospitality of Lourdes
Dissemination of your entity.
Valle de Leyva Scout Group
Sheet metal workshop and making popcorn.
Civil protection
Dissemination of your organization.
Archconfraternity Our Father Jesus Nazareno
Disclosure of your organization.
Red Cross
Health workshop
Francisco Munuera Foundation
Dance and songs.
Photocall with cartoon characters.
Asociación Pro Ayuda Alimentaria 'A little is a lot'
Dissemination of your organization.
Parents Association of Las Salinas Day Center
Sample of materials designed and developed by the users of the center.
Cavalli Foundation
Dissemination of the activities of your organization.
Friends of the Fleet Association
Disclosure of their entity and the therapeutic community Las Flotas.
Collection of signatures to raise awareness and support the reduction of bookmakers.
Youth Creative Action Association
Activity 'Move and discover'.
Workshop: creative board games.
Municipal Psychosocial Care Service
Sample of the works elaborated by the users.
Municipal volunteering service of the Department of Social Services
Navarro thanked "all the volunteers who dedicate altruistically a large part of their free time to attend to all the needs that we have in our society and that can not be met in any other way".
For her part, Eva León has expressed that "it is a fundamental day for anyone interested in collaborating who wants to dedicate some of their free time to this altruistic and solidary activity of volunteering, who can go there to know the different associations and to collect information on how to participate in them. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia