One of the biggest blights that we are suffering in these modern times is loneliness.
According to the RAE, loneliness is the voluntary or involuntary lack of company.
This feeling causes crisis in the individual throughout the year, but at Christmas in a special way.
Loneliness is one of the main threats of the elderly, and especially in these dates as it is usually a traditional moment in which our elders are filled with memories and intensifies their sense of sadness, helplessness and loneliness.
Loneliness causes a very low mood, anxiety, greater sadness and reluctance, loss of appetite, inability to enjoy any element that reminds of Christmas, nostalgia, disinterest in self-care, personal hygiene, ingesting prescribed medication , for leaving home and moving.
From our group we consider that it is very important that the elderly are with other people, that they have leisure and laugh, since it feeds them the spirit and the desire to live and take care of themselves.
Many of our seniors spend these days surrounded by their families, but the truth is that there are more and more seniors who spend these days in absolute solitude.
There are several ways to accompany the elderly, give them love and make them feel that they also count.
Consequently, from the administrations should take appropriate measures to anticipate the effects of loneliness, especially in the elderly and on such important dates as Christmas, by launching actions aimed at the prevention and care of people who are in risk.
From the Popular Party we have it clear and we consider that one of the functions that the government team must have is to tackle these situations and put means so that they do not occur, or that the impact is less with programs oriented for it.
The Popular Party registered for this December plenary a motion aimed at finding solutions on the problem of loneliness in Alhama, in which the municipality is urged to:
That a program of measures be established to solve the loneliness of the elderly at Christmas.
Establish a set of initiatives whose purpose is the social awareness of what it means to live without company.
Promote measures that give social support to the elderly.
Source: PP Alhama de Murcia