Friday, December 28 at 6:00 p.m.
the municipal library hosts an activity of stories and crafts in family for children from 3 to 8 years under the theme 'non-sexist toy campaign', which will narrate the titles' Alejandro Balandro ',' The King of the Abyss' and ' Rosa Caramelo. '
Objective of the day
Games and toys are a fundamental part of childhood.
With them the boy and the girl learn to know the world and interpret it subjectively from their point of view.
But in most cases, they do not choose what to play because they are influenced by the gender roles that currently exist in society.
Children learn by imitation and the first referents for the game are the parents.
They assume as their own the roles played by their parents who also reinforce themselves with games and toys.
In a high percentage, girls play with kitchenettes or babies, while children play with cars or tools.
These roles are also reinforced by the environment, which includes children's advertising, the colors of toys, television cartoons, language, etc.
With the arrival of such important dates as Christmas, in which 65% of toys are sold throughout the year, the theme of 'non-sexist toys' is proposed through playful activities in which the little ones enjoy while they learn by participating and feeling the protagonists.
The main objective of this didactic proposal is to break with these stereotypes with an analysis of games and toys from a gender perspective.
With the support of the Ministry of Family and Equal Opportunities of the Autonomous Community, the Women's Institute, Cultural activities: active sports, education and leisure, the City Council of Alhama de Murcia and the municipal library.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia