The festival of Los Mayos has been immortalized by the National Organization of the Spanish Blind (ONCE) to be part of the image for raffle next Tuesday May 7.
The coupon has been presented today by Juan Carlos Morejón de Giron Bascuñana, Territorial Delegate of the ONCE in the Region of Murcia, Mariola Guevara, Mayor of Alhama de Murcia and Teresa Lajarin, President of the Territorial Council of the ONCE in the Region of Murcia, accompanied by Ana García, Director of the Agency of the ONCE in Lorca, Pedro Salinas, Head of the Game Department of the Territorial Delegation of the ONCE in Murcia, the Mayor Corremayo 2019, Toni López, various councilors of the Municipal Corporation, as well as neighbors and media.
The daily coupon of the ONCE offers, for 1.5 euros, 55 prizes of 35,000 euros to the five figures.
In addition, the customer has the opportunity, for 0.5 euros more, to also play the series, and earn 'The pay' of 3,000 euros a month for 25 years, which will be added to the prize of 35,000 euros.
They have a prize of 500 euros for the numbers before and after the winner;
and prizes of 200, 20 and 6 euros to the four, three and two last figures, respectively, of the awarded coupon.
As well as withdrawals of 1.5 euros to the last and first figure.
The ONCE coupons and game products are sold by the 20,000 agents that make up its sales network.
The Plenary Session of the Alhama City Council unanimously approved on May 29, 2018 formally request the territorial and national offices of the ONLAE (National Organization of Lotteries and State Gambling) and ONCE (National Organization of Spanish Blinds), the issuance of two tenths with the image of the Mayos festival.
After carrying out the relevant procedures, both bodies accepted and approved this request.
Fiesta de Los Mayos
Los Mayos is a unique celebration of the municipality of Alhama de Murcia that is celebrated the first weekend of May.
Its origin is lost in time and there are no written references known until the decade of the 20s of the last century.
After the Civil War and for more than 40 years disappeared for its critical aspect.
It was in 1982 when the Plenary of the City Council of Alhama de Murcia agreed to recover the party.
In 1990 it is declared of Regional Tourist Interest and in 2018 of National Tourist Interest.
It consists of the placement, in streets and squares, of puppets or puppets dressed in old clothes from the house and the face painted with human features.
The basic subjects that are treated are usually three: the recreation of old trades that have already disappeared and that were typical of Alhama;
the representation of scenes of daily life, usually treated in a humorous way and, lastly and the most celebrated, the satirical scenes that with critical acuity reveal problems or specific current issues.
Those Mayos that represent traditional or traditional scenes recover and show clothes, belongings and accessories already in disuse, such as zaragüelles, tools, trills and tools, turning the streets of Alhama into a real ethnographic museum.
A Mayo is not a single puppet, but must compose a scene and, as in its origin, must carry a card that collects the message you want to convey to understand the scene or simply recognize the character.
Especially in the Mayos that represent traditional scenes, the posters recover words, idioms and expressions typical of Alhama de Murcia and the Region, usually in verse.
The Mayos contest awards prizes to the three best and distinctions in the categories of critical, original and traditional.
On the plantation, private neighbors, clubs and neighborhood associations collaborate, which traditionally came riding the scene in the early hours of Saturday to Sunday to disappear that same day in the afternoon.
Since 2016, the Mayos exhibition starts on Saturday around noon and ends on Sunday afternoon.
These past 30 years have joined the party other complementary activities, such as the Folk Festival, which now reaches its XXIX edition and will have groups such as 'Luar na Lubre' or 'Malvariche'.
In addition to train or bicycle tours, May crosses, craft market, sports activities and exhibitions to complete the poster of events from May 3 to 5, 2019, which is expected the participation of more than 12,000 people between residents of Alhama and visitors.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia