The placard of posters marked last night the beginning of the road until the elections of next May 26, which will mark the political direction and the future of the municipality during the next four years.
Our endorsement: four years of efficient management focused on improving and transforming Alhama.
Alhama de Murcia, May 10, 2019.- Mariola Guevara, mayor of Alhama de Murcia and candidate for re-election in the municipal elections to be held on May 26, 2019, has fulfilled the tradition to start this midnight election campaign with the posting of posters, which has taken place in the urban center, next to the Plaza de Abastos building.
The socialist candidate has remarked that "we are endorsed by these four years of work, municipal management where we have put our utmost efforts to transform Alhama and improve it."
During the next week the electoral program of the PSOE of Alhama will be distributed by all the houses of the municipality, which, as a novelty, has been designed in a magazine-like and easy-to-read format to make proposals as clear and simple as possible. neighbors of Alhama.
Mariola Guevara has clarified that it is necessary that "all parties act with respect and responsibility," in order to have a campaign where proposals are presented that can be valued by all Alhameņos and Alhameņos.
The candidate states that "we have worked in body and soul for all the residents of Alhama during these four years and we want to continue with your support for another four years to continue with important projects such as the remodeling of the La Cubana park, the extension of the residence, increase social policies, encourage employment in people older than 52 years, the completion of the restoration of El Castillo or continue the work of replacing the old networks of drinking water and sanitation, among others ".
In the coming days we will communicate the calendar of events and meetings with neighbors, associations and groups that we have planned to listen to them with the aim of enriching the project to make an Alhama even better.
Source: PSOE Alhama de Murcia