Not everyone can say the same"]
Tonight, the candidate from Somos Región to Alhama de Murcia Mayor's Office, has bet on changing the "way of doing politics." We want to put people at the center of political action, which is why our program is based on real problems that affect many people, for us there is no greater privilege than giving voice to the neighbors "
Miriam Díaz has indicated that her policy will be characterized by putting the economy, the company and politics at the service of the people.
"That's why we want to do a tax review to adjust them progressively."
Díaz has listed some of the key aspects of his program, including a social housing plan or the implementation of various programs for the elderly, women or children. "He also stressed the need to" convert Alhama into a green and sustainable city "we bet for the renewable energies and for the defense of the animals, for what we propose the creation of a council dedicated to that end".
The mayoral candidate has also entered into specific aspects such as garbage, water and collection contracts.
"In the matter of garbage, things have not been done well, since several companies have ended up rejecting the contract due to unsuitable conditions.With regard to water, we believe that it would be very positive to remunicipate the service and in terms of collection we want to see if it would be beneficial to proceed to the remunicipalization of the service to reduce costs and improve benefits ".
For Miriam Díaz, Alhama is a city with everything necessary to be able to count on a greater progress, but to achieve it, we first have to solve the problems that affect the municipality and that is not achieved with utopias.
We are Region is not presented to tell lies, but to work with citizens in the belief that our growth must come from moderation and dialogue.
Those who come to power with demagogy, end up making it pay to the neighbors.
We are not here for that. "
For his part, the president of Somos Region and candidate for the Regional Assembly, Alberto Garre, has shown his pride in having a team "in each municipality of committed people, professionals in their respective areas, who come to politics to contribute. Garre has praised the good work of the Alhama candidate and has especially valued her youth. "There is no better way to age than keeping clean the values ​​that are acquired in youth.
Precisely because I keep those values ​​set in motion We are Region and fortunately we have met with a team of fantastic people who do not need to live from politics and not like in other parties where their candidates have never worked outside of politics.
That is why they are not willing to leave it under any circumstances and to maintain their salary, they are willing to pervert democracy ".
Source: Somos Región