This Thursday, November 7, C's de Alhama published in its social networks and disseminated through local media and WhatsApp groups a video that contains the image and political opinion of a neighbor of the municipality and socialist militant, tertullian of a radio program local, with a voice cut of one of his interventions, linking his statements in a private capacity with the PSOE of Alhama.
We consider that it is a very serious violation of the privacy of the neighbor in question, because they are making use of their image and their political opinion without having obtained the express consent that marks article 9.1 of the GDPR and, by therefore, there is a lack of legality (Art. 6.1, section a, GDPR).
These facts would carry significant economic sanctions, since they are classified as "very serious" when dealing with specially protected data without express authorization.
For this reason, our Association has requested its legal cabinet to prepare a report to determine possible legal measures to safeguard the rights of this neighbor.
Once again C's of Alhama dirties the electoral campaign with all kinds of attacks and tricks, skipping the most basic legislation and ethical principles.
It is a desperate attempt to turn around the polls that predict the biggest fall of a political party in recent years, something that C's has earned by its continuous blows, lack of a defined political project and its permanent commitment in entangling and being behind every murky and controversial issue in Alhama de Murcia.
Source: PSOE Alhama de Murcia