From IU-Verdes de Alhama we want to thank our supporters and militants for the work done during the campaign and the election day.
Also that of the partners of Podemos with whom we concurred in coalition to these General Elections and to the people who have trusted United We as a necessary force to configure a progressive government.
It was the repetition of the General Elections process that took place last April, which we did not want, since we always bet on a coalition government between United Podemos and PSOE for the social majority of this country.
In a first assessment, we understand that the PSOE strategy forcing a new electoral process with which it intended to emerge strengthened, weakening United We Can, has proved wrong.
Our electoral coalition, despite the slight setback, has managed to maintain in Murcia the Deputy for United We can, at the national level has resisted and remains decisive for the formation of a government that defends working families.
In our town, the high level of abstention is worrisome, since Alhameños who have not exercised their right to vote have increased by more than 800, compared to last April, raising the percentage of abstention by more than 6 points until 31.5%
We believe that the results of these general elections cannot be extrapolated to municipal elections, but we regret that the most voted political force in Alhama and in the Region is the Franco's excision of the PP.
Undoubtedly, the agreement reached in the last hours between PSOE and United We can open the door to the configuration of a progressive government that stops the most extreme and emboldened right.
Source: IU-verdes Alhama