in the plenary hall of the City of Alhama de Murcia |
The winning venues of 'Alhama de Tapas, Cocktails and Sweets 2019' are already known, after counting the cards in which users have rated the best cover, the best cocktail and the best candy from one to five.
This verdict has a value of 50%, the rest of the percentage has been obtained through qualifications made by the members of the professional jury, consisting of Domingo García, chef of the municipality, Hervé Medina, chef of the Center for Tourism Qualification of Murcia, María Mercedes Pérez, head of the Hospitality and Tourism Department of the School of Hospitality and Tourism of Cartagena and Juan Carlos Caballero, head of the Department of Business Relations of the Schools of Hospitality and Tourism of Cartagena, who scored the tapas on November 4 .
In total, 509 cards have been submitted to the contest, of which 431 are valid, and another 78 void.
The prize for the best tapa has been for the restaurant Los Bartolos with 'Hake Iberian with Mahonesa de Puerros', the best candy has corresponded to Zojo with 'Strawberries with Cava with White Chocolate', the best cocktail to Zeppelin with 'Temptation'.
The raffle has also revealed the winners of the three prizes among the participating users.
The prize for them, consisting of an iPhone 11 has been for Luis Miguel Urrea;
The 2nd and 3rd prize, consisting of two lots with a ham, a cheese, a ham knife, chaira and a bottle of wine, corresponds to Esther López and Mari Pepa González.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia