This Thursday, November 21, at 7:30 p.m., José Baños, official chronicler of the Villa de Alhama and Culture technician of the City Council, will speak about the Casa del Cartel of our municipality at the Las Claras Cultural Center in Murcia (C / Santa Clara, 1 - Murcia).
This paper is part of the series of conferences 'Singular buildings of the Region of Murcia', organized by the Cajamurcia Foundation and coordinated by the Alfonso X el Sabio Royal Academy, in which emblematic constructions that are part of the heritage are being announced regional.
The talks began on November 12 and will end on Thursday 28;
During these days different professors, technicians and experts in architecture and heritage bring to the public buildings of high historical value such as the Paleochristian Mausoleum of the 'Casón' de Jumilla, the Junterones Chapel of the Cathedral of Murcia, the house-towers of the Campo de Cartagena , the Lorca Synagogue, the former Council of Jumilla and our Poster building.
Admission is free until all places.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia