Among the actions aimed at promoting the processes of participation of people and groups in the community, the Department of Social Welfare organizes the XII Volunteer Training with the elderly and active aging, given by the Collective Association for Social Promotion 'El Candil '.
The purpose of this course is to give an effective and supportive response in the prevention of social needs and their attention.
It is intended for the general population, with priority to people related to volunteering and municipal associations.
Upon completion, an accrediting diploma will be given to those who have attended at least 80% of the hours.
This voluntary action was raised as an integrating element that enhances the capacity of people, groups and by extension of the entire community, to seek their own individual and social competence.
The aging process has meant a change in our society and the social services sector for the elderly occupies an increasingly important place.
Attention to the elderly therefore becomes a priority and from there arises the organization of this training with which we intend to provide a theoretical-practical basis that includes the necessary knowledge, skills, tools and resources that allow volunteers to improve their skills and attitudes in the development of their work with this group.
The contents will be organized in thematic blocks from the most general to the most concrete:
Basic information on volunteering.
Social skills of volunteering in the relationship of help, emotional management.
The group of elderly people, health and aging.
Psychosocial dimension of aging.
Volunteering with older people.
How and where it develops.
The course will be taught on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from March 24 to April 22 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
in the basement of the House of Culture, with a duration of 32 hours.
The form attached in the brochure must be completed and delivered to the Municipal Social Welfare Center, volunteer service, Calle Los Baños, 10.
Telephone: 968 631 895.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia