The Plenary of the Corporation approved last night the municipal budgets of 2020, which include investments such as the definitive restoration of the Castle, the fairground in Nueva Espuña and the contest of ideas for the design of the new park of La Cubana, which includes the spa.
The absence of opposition proposals confirms that the PSOE is the only party that has a project for Alhama.
The debate of the first budgets of the legislature, held on Tuesday, March 10, left two clear messages: the Socialist Government maintains the line of work initiated in 2015 to transform the municipality;
The opposition is neither expected nor expected.
During these five years ago, we have advanced in the transformation of our municipality, in the way of doing politics, close to our neighbors, with maximum transparency, citizen participation and accountability.
With fully sound accounts and significant savings, but that cannot be used for investments due to the ineffable "Montoro Law", the year for this year has 21.8 million euros that, although a fundamental part is committed With current expenditure (service contracts, payroll workers, transfers ...), numerous economic items will be allocated to continue making investments that improve the infrastructure and life of our neighbors.
Among the most important is the contest of ideas for the project of the new park of La Cubana (€ 55,000), which includes the thermal center.
The second phase of the Castle (€ 640,000) has also been budgeted, which will allow the crane to be removed after a decade and complete its final restoration.
Another of the relevant investments is the conditioning of the municipal plot in Nueva Espuña for the transfer of the fairgrounds for all night activity, which will allow for much more space for attractions, beach bars and tents (€ 400,000).
The Socialist Government maintains its commitment to participatory budgets and this year will allocate more than € 167,000 to various investments, including covering the track of the CEIP Ginés Díaz San Cristóbal (€ 80,000), one of the winning proposals of the last edition.
The budget document also includes the 2020-2023 public road plan (€ 80,000), the change of turf of the José Kubala soccer field (€ 70,000), the Works and Services Plan, and the replacement of LED luminaires (€ 55,000) , the implementation of organic collection (€ 48,858), the improvement of energy efficiency to install solar panels in public buildings (€ 45,000) and inclusive playgrounds in parks (€ 45,000), among many others.
The last legislature the Socialist Government paid all the debts that the City Council dragged, leaving them to zero, which has allowed progress in the improvement of infrastructure and energy efficiency, with investments in the 2015-2019 period of 8.6 million euros, plus the improvement and renovation of the supply and sanitation networks, amounting to 4 million euros.
The remunicipalisation of the potable water service is currently in the final phase through the creation of a public company, with the consensus of all the political groups of the Corporation.
The budget stage prior to 2015 does not bear any similarity with the one that has been applied since then.
From that moment on, Alhama has undergone a transformation with more and better educational, local development and employment policies, citizen participation, transparency, environment, security, culture and heritage, sports, youth, animal welfare, districts, popular parties, urban quality, attention to the neighbor, and social services, among others, that have improved both services and infrastructure, enabling greater development of our municipality and a better quality of life for all our neighbors.
But we continue to denounce the slab that supposes having to assume improper powers, which the Autonomous Community should finance, in educational and social services policies, which are paid from the municipal budget, worth 1.5 million euros each year and that could Go for other investments.
A Government of the PP and Citizens, at the orders of the extreme right, which continues to sideline the town halls after 25 years of disastrous management that make the Region of Murcia one of the most indebted in the whole country, with a hole of more than 10,000 million euros.
Alhama, despite this rope and the different economic blows suffered in recent years, enjoys good economic health and solvency, thanks to the responsible work of recent years, which continues to fulfill the commitments with which this party is He presented to the last elections and where he obtained a majority support of the Alhameños.
During these first months of the legislature, the PSOE has ruled with an absolute majority as when it was in the minority, working tirelessly, giving participation to the opposition and supporting those initiatives that are aimed at the general interest.
Nothing to do with previous stages.
These budgets have corroborated that the opposition groups do not have an alternative project for Alhama, but that they are installed in no by no and in reproaches.
Not a single proposal to include in the text, when the Government has shown its willingness to do so.
They have been talking about taxes only since June, when the fiscal pressure of our municipality is well below the regional average.
The PSOE continues to reach out to the parties of the Corporation to develop policies that improve the lives of our neighbors, that meet the expectations of young people, guarantee the well-being of the elderly and equal opportunities without leaving anyone behind.
All this with the firm commitment to meet the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the 2030 Agenda, thinking about people, protecting our environment and ensuring prosperity.
Source: PSOE Alhama de Murcia