United Left, has stated that it wants to contribute to the way out of the serious global crisis caused by Covid-19 "is done in solidarity, without leaving anyone behind."
Hence its support for the State Government and its desire that the measures approved by the Council of Ministers continue in the direction of strengthening the means of public services, prioritizing the safety and health of people, as well as providing more resources for social and economic measures to help families throughout the country.
This is not the time for partisan discussions or debates, it is that we all do our best to overcome this crisis, to win the war against the coronavirus.
Izquierda Unida wants to recognize the enormous effort that society as a whole is making to overcome this crisis together;
the effort of the workers of the Public Health, of those who work in the food, transport, care, cleaning, autonomous sectors and all the people who maintain quarantine and remain in their homes.
"Thank you for everything, thank you for showing that together we can overcome this crisis and win the war against the coronavirus."
In the same way, it congratulates the State Government and the United Podemos ministers for their enormous effort in this difficult situation.
His work, like that of the rest of the Executive, puts the general interests and health of the people before any other element, unlike what is happening in other countries. "
Izquierda Unida considers that this effort must continue, both with the measures of the Council of Ministers and through its explicit recognition of the work carried out by the municipalities, assuming an essential part of the fight against the coronavirus.
In order to facilitate this task, it is necessary to make the spending rule more flexible and give scope at the competence level so that they can carry out their work normally and without restrictions.
At the international level, it is essential that the main competent institutions of the European Union (EU) as well as the countries that are part of it must understand that courageous measures must be taken and that they support the group of people who suffer from this crisis, to all the society.
This is not a time for unsupportive measures or spending containment, all efforts must be focused on solving this crisis and the priority is people's health.
From IU, all the areas in which we have participation and responsibility, we want to contribute so that the way out of this whole crisis is done in solidarity, without leaving anyone behind.
Working from the political and institutional aspects so that the measures are promoted taking care of our peoples, their needs and their future.
But also attending to care.
The Council of Ministers has approved a package of measures to face the coronavirus crisis, which is the largest investment in our history.
200,000 million euros, 20% of GDP.
Everything points to the fact that we have difficult days ahead in health, social and economic terms.
From IU we are going to work so that this crisis is not paid by the usual ones.
Source: IU-Verdes Alhama