The general direction of Youth of the Region of Murcia and the Regional School of Animation and free time (ERATL), in collaboration with the Association Region of Murcia Limpia, have organized a free and online course under the name 'Environmentally sustainable youth entities.
Implementation of good practices'.
The purpose of this course is to promote good environmental practices in youth organizations and associations. OBJECTIVES:• Promote good environmental practices in youth organizations.• Show how to easily establish an environmental policy, with goals, horizons and objectively measurable facts.• That the organizations themselves study their habits and those of their members to try to implement eco-efficient measures and correct environmentally unsustainable guidelines.• Improve the results of the entity's activities, minimizing possible impacts on the environment and gaining reputation and credibility.• Show Good Housekeeping Practices as the first step to implement a lasting environmental awareness in the entity and even as a step prior to the implementation of an Environmental Management System.• Introduce international policies and action plans on the environment.PROGRAM:• What are Good Housekeeping Practices and how to implement them in youth organizations.• What is an Environmental Management System.
International systems: ISO14.001 and EMAS.• Environmental Audits or Eco-audits.• United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, 3R and circular economy.• Good Environmental Practices regarding waste, spills and emissions; Noise; Transport.• Energy; Shopping and supplies; Single-use plastics.• Good Environmental Practices in offices, offices and entities headquarters; in outdoor activities; in accommodations.This training has 25 theoretical-practical hours and will begin on October 26, the virtual presentation will take place in the afternoon, and will end on November 27, 2020, with a closing and evaluation, in the afternoon.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia