The Alhama de Murcia City Council, through the water service concessionaire company, Socamex, is renovating a section of pipes on Ginés Campos avenue, between Isla Samar street and Bastarreche avenue, at the height of the hotel located on this zone. The objective of these works is to replace the old drinking water and sanitation networks, due to their age and frequent breakdowns that occur.The works consist of the renovation of these pipes with new 100 mm diameter K9 cast iron pipes for supply and 400 mm diameter corrugated PVC for sanitation. The action will be completed with the connections to homes and businesses and the replacement of the surface and pavements affected by the placement of the new pipes.
The road markings will also be repainted. The planned execution period is two months and has a tender budget of 95,304.75 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia