The Department of Social Welfare calls on local companies and businesses to carry out non-labor practices in both formations'Camina entre telas' is a project promoted by the non-profit association Proyecto Abraham, which is based on a personalized insertion itinerary aimed at people in situations of social vulnerability and oriented to the ordinary labor market, thus achieving their social insertion.The itinerary is free and includes occupational training, individualized job guidance, psychosocial care and non-work practices, in the specialty of sewing and customer service.
It will be taught in the mornings from 9:30 to 13:30 and will run from October to December of this year.
The people who complete it will become part of the job bank managed by Proyecto Abraham.One of the objectives of 'Walk between fabrics' is to increase the level of employability of people with a profile of medium or low employability and / or a situation of social vulnerability.Proyecto Abraham is an NGO of Social and Environmental Action that focuses its activity on the collection of clothes, footwear and toys through the installation of containers on public roads, this activity being the main source of financing for the entity, which allows it to develop numerous social and training actions aimed at people at risk or situation of social exclusion.The organization maintains a collaboration agreement with the Alhama de Murcia City Council, through which it has installed 27 containers in the municipality for the collection of clothes, footwear and toys, from which it has been removing around 50,000 kilos of clothing, footwear and toys per year that the neighbors deposited in them.
Among the actions of a social nature carried out by this NGO, the training actions, social and labor insertion projects, housing reception, food distribution, social intervention project, school support and others stand out.
It is also part of the Spanish Association of Recovery of Social and Solidarity Economy (AERESS).This project is funded by the Ministry of Women, Equality, LGTBI, Families and Social Policy, for the implementation of general interest programs aimed at social interest purposes to be developed by third sector entities in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, charged to the 0.7% tax allocation (box 'Other purposes of social interest') of the Personal Income Tax.* Given the current epidemiological situation, the face-to-face training follows the indications of capacity and established hygienic-sanitary measures, such as the provision of hydroalcoholic gels, the permanent use of a mask and the interpersonal safety distance.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia