The Councils for Commerce, Hospitality and Urban Planning have prepared a draft amendment to the terrace ordinance, with the aim that the hotel business can occupy more spaces and that it will go through an extraordinary plenary session next week.Due to the current crisis situation derived from the pandemic, these businesses are finding it difficult to carry out their activity after the numerous restrictions imposed by the health authorities, such as the reduction of capacity inside the premises and the impossibility of providing service in the bars. In addition, after the current Decree 926/2020, of October 25, which regulates the state of alarm, the Autonomous Community has published the Order of October 26, 2020 of the Ministry of Health, by which additional measures are adopted, of temporary nature, to face the Covid-19 epidemic in the Region of Murcia.
Among them, it modifies the capacity limitation inside the premises, reducing it to 30%.With the planned modification, some obstacles that until now prevented the expansion of the terraces are eliminated, such as the impossibility of occupying more than one facade of the premises or the limitation of the terrace to the width of the facade of the establishment.
Likewise, an extension of the number of authorized tables may be granted, passing the maximum limit from 10 to 15 tables, which is 50% more.FREE ADVICE FOR HOSTELERSThe City Council is going to make a zero-cost advisory service available to professionals in the sector to help with the bureaucratic tasks of presenting documentation and drawing up plans to request occupation of the public road with tables and chairs. Interested professionals should write to the email: terrazas@alhamademurcia.esEXTENSION OF SIDEWALKSThe Department of Urbanism is preparing projects for the expansion of sidewalks, which will make it possible to enlarge the areas to be occupied in the streets where there are currently bars with a terrace on the sidewalk or on a platform on the public highway.The objective of all these measures is to continue supporting one of the sectors most affected by the health crisis, such as the hospitality industry.
They are intended to offer solutions under equal conditions to all professionals, regardless of the location of their premises.
Those businesses that are in squares or green areas and others that currently have fewer tables granted and / or that are further from the urban center will benefit equally.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia