| Different municipal workers of the Alhama City Council are participating in these trainings for better customer service | The Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia is immersed in the Continuous Training Plan, ForCon 2020, aimed at public employees for updating on current issues that aims to help improve the management of municipalities thanks to the learning of the workers.
This training plan, which will end in December, is made up of 45 courses, of which 70% are carried out online with telematic sessions via Zoom, Webex or other tools.The remaining 30% is online, but from the FMRM they explain that "we are heading towards a model in which all courses will hold telematic sessions, so that all students have direct contact with the professor". Among the ForCon 2020 courses, topics such as Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development, prevention in occupational risks specialized in covid-19, European programs, public equality policies, electronic administration, Law of public sector contracts, data protection or patrimonial responsibility, among other. This training plan adds a total of 1,500 students, corresponding to the local entities of the Region of Murcia, as well as employees of the regional administration who will take about a thousand hours between all courses.ForCon has been carried out at the FMRM since 1995 with subsidized funds for continuous training.
The Secretary General of the Federation of Municipalities, Manuel Pato, has said that "this plan is essential for the proper functioning of local entities, since its members are continuously recycled on issues in which we must be up-to-date for good customer service citizen to achieve quality local management ".
Likewise, Pato assures that "despite the health crisis and the obstacles that are presented to us, the challenge for ForCon 2020 will be to transform the in-person training model to telematic with videoconference".The Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia is a benchmark in training and its data supports it, since throughout its trajectory they have carried out 1,107 courses pertaining to the development of 25 plans, 30,822 teaching hours, 22,043 participants and the management of 3 , 17 million euros for its start-up since 1995.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia