The Region of Murcia, through the Ministry of Employment, Research and Universities and the General Directorate of Social Economy and Self-Employed Work, has convened subsidies to self-employed workers in the hotel industry and commerce to alleviate the economic losses caused by Covid-19 .The aid will consist of a single financial benefit for an amount equivalent to a number of six monthly payments to Social Security calculated on the basis of the month of March 2020, up to a maximum of 2,999 euros, until the budget for the call of 3 is exhausted, 5 million euros, that is, it is expected that it can be granted to the 1,800 - 2,000 first complete applications that meet all the requirements, depending on the Social Security contribution of each of them.The order will be established by the date and time of submission of applications, and in the event that these are incomplete, from the date of entry of the required documentation, provided that the beneficiaries meet the established requirements.
Therefore, if documentation is required, your new request order will establish the day and time you submit your response.Only one application may be submitted for each applicant, only the last one submitted being considered valid.GRANT APPLICATION:Applications must be submitted through the specific form of Procedure number 3450.The deadline for submitting applications is one month from the day following the publication of the extract of the callDo I need to have a digital certificate to submit the application? Assistance can only be requested through telematic means.
To submit the application by electronic means, it is necessary to have one of the recognized or qualified electronic certificates for electronic signature, issued by providers included in the "Trusted list of certification service providers" or any other electronic signature system that CARM considers valid in the terms and conditions specifically established for each type of signature.Requirements:Tax domicile in the Murcia region and registration with Social Security on March 14 and the day of the grant application.Reduction of more than 30% of the average billing in the second and third quarter of 2020, compared to the average of its billing for the same period in 2019.Main activity in the hospitality or retail sector, according to CNAE 2009 included in Annex 1 of the call.Be up to date with tax obligations with the State Administration and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia and with Social Security.Documents that must accompany the application:Certificate of ownership of the IBAN account where you want the payment to be made and that matches the one indicated on the form.Resolution on recognition of registration in the Special Regime for Self-Employed or Self-Employed Workers of the General Treasury of the Social Security, or, Resolution of Modification of Activity of the TGSS prior to the date of publication of this Order of summons.Report on the Contribution Bases and Quotas of Special Regimes and Systems of the General Treasury of the Social Security for the year 2020.Only if you submit the application through a Legal Representative: Certificate of representativeness, either a power of attorney, or a form for the purpose of the DG of Social Economy and Self-Employment with the digital signature of both parties, interested party and Legal RepresentativeOnly if I wish to provide supporting documentation: documentation that proves the 30% drop in income according to the direct or objective estimate for which it is declared collected in the form.Only in case of opposing or not authorizing the Administration to consult your data: certificate of that document that is not authorized or opposed.The beneficiary of these grants is obliged to maintain their professional activity for three months from their grant application and justify the reduction in billing within three months from the notification of the award order (it can be submitted together with the application), 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2019 and 2020.
Personal income tax, VAT or any other document valid in law.This grant is compatible with other grants, in particular with:You can request this aid even if you are a beneficiary of the zero fee provided by the Regional Employment and Training Service.This aid is compatible with the extraordinary benefit for the cessation of activity of the self-employed affected by the declaration of the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis caused by COVID-19.This aid is compatible with the aid given by the Ministry of Tourism, Youth and Sports and directed to the tourism and hospitality sector.All the information related to this help can be found by clicking HERE.You can call 968 37 53 95 or 968 36 51 85 from 09:00 h.
at 2:00 p.m.
Likewise, you can send your inquiry to
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia