In March of this year, after the declaration of the state of alarm as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Alhama City Council approved a contingency plan worth 859,248 euros (66% executed / committed as of October 27 2020), which included four lines of action:Aid to the sectors affected by Royal Decree 463/2020 (321,000 euros).Social contingency plan (231,248 euros).Municipal employment plan (207,000 euros).Contingency fund (100,000 euros).Aid to the sectors affected by Royal Decree 463/2020In the regular plenary session in October, held on Tuesday 27, the Councilor for the Treasury reported on the status of implementation of the contingency plan, in which the Revitalization Plan for Self-Employed, Commerce and Hospitality is executed / committed to 77.72% (249,480 euros):Weekly aid for companies and local freelancers: 162,480 euros for 246 businesses (as of October 27, 2020).Campaign CámOn! for the reactivation of local commerce through discount vouchers: 12,000 euros.Campaign Enjoy Alhama! to help businesses to reactivate their sales and families to make their purchases and lower their prices at the hotel and catering establishments: 75,000 euros committed to run from November 9 to December 12, 2020.Provision of dispensers and bottles of hydroalcoholic gel to all businesses in the town.Social contingency planIt is executed / committed to 90.47% (209,210 euros), in the following actions:Reinforcement of aid and services for families, the elderly and dependents.Direct financial support to families with difficulties due to Covid-19.Emergency aid to meet basic needs.Home support measures for the most vulnerable and isolated people.Municipal employment planIt is executed / committed to 52.44% (108,556 euros), in the following actions:Hiring of unemployed people through the SEF (six laborers for reinforcement in the municipal brigades).Hiring of people with disabilities (two workers to reinforce the municipal brigades).In addition, it is planned to hire another eight more laborers from April 2021.Contingency fundMost of the money in this fund (100,000 euros) will be used to pay the bills for the extraordinary cleaning and disinfection of the educational centers in the town. The total expenditure forecast for the 2020-2021 academic year is 140,000 euros.Immediate payment plan to suppliersSince the beginning of the state of alarm, the Alhameño Council has been working to speed up the payment of bills to suppliers.
Until mid-October, invoices worth more than 6 million euros have been paid and a treasury plan for the disposal of funds has been drawn up.Extraordinary expenses as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic not included in the contingency planThe City Council is facing other expenses derived from the current health crisis situation, which are serving to strengthen the areas of public health and citizen security (300,000 euros):Support and reinforcement services for cleaning and disinfection of public roads.Expansion of police services.Acquisition of PPE (masks, gloves, hydroalcoholic gel, etc.)Adequacy and protection of municipal offices and spaces (prevention of occupational hazards) through screens, posters, rearrangement of positions, serological tests for public employees and Civil Protection volunteers, etc.Volunteer insurance.Signage and fencing of buildings.Suppression of the terrace fee payment for hoteliers in AlhamaLa modificación de las ordenanzas fiscales para 2021, aprobada en el pasado pleno del 27 de octubre, establece la supresión del pago de la tasa por ocupación de la vía pública con mesas y sillas (terrazas) durante el próximo año.Otras medidas para ayudar al sectorEl Ayuntamiento modificará la ordenanza de terrazas para dar más espacios a los hosteleros, lo que posibilitará ampliar el número de mesas autorizadas, pasando el límite máximo de 10 a 15, lo que supone un 50% más. También va a poner a disposición de los profesionales del sector un servicio de asesoramiento a coste cero para ayudar en las tareas burocráticas de presentación de documentación y elaboración de planos para solicitar la ocupación de la vía pública con mesas y sillas. La concejalía de Urbanismo está elaborando los proyectos para la ampliación de las aceras, que permitirá agrandar las zonas a ocupar en las calles donde actualmente existen bares con terraza sobre la acera o sobre plataforma en la vía pública.Rebajas de tasas e impuestosLas ordenanzas fiscales para 2021 mantienen las siguientes bonificaciones, entre otras:Reducción del 20% en la tarifa del agua para ganaderos, industria y pequeños negocios (cafeterías, restaurantes, comercios, etc.) a cerca de 600 abonados. Rebaja del 35% en el recibo de la basura para todos los mayores de 65 años y personas que viven solas con escasos recursos económicos.Reducción del 75% en el sello para todos los vehículos 100% eléctricos.Rebaja del 40% en el IBI (Contribución) urbano y rústico para familias numerosas, monoparentales y monomarentales.Bonificación de hasta el 60% para fomento del empleo por contratación de personas en riesgo de exclusión social y mujeres víctimas de violencia de género.Se mantiene la ampliación del período de pago para aquellas personas que no pueden hacer frente a sus deudas: hasta 36 meses de plazo.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia