The pandemic forced the suspension of face-to-face care on Saturdays in the Consistory, staying on the phone and telematically on the recommendation of the health authoritiesThe councilor of Pedro López 'Piqui', recalled the hours of the Neighbor Service service on Saturday mornings, from 10:00 a.m.
to 1:00 p.m.
An assistance that was interrupted as a result of the state of alarm decreed in March and that will be resumed from tomorrow in person at the City Hall, with the due security measures.During these months, the councilor has personally attended to the neighbors in their usual hours from Monday to Friday in the Consistory, in addition to the rest of the time by phone, WhatsApp, email and also outside the municipal offices.The figure of the mayor of Attention to the Neighbor was created in 2015 to respond to incidents, suggestions and proposals of the alhameños, in an agile and close way.
In these five years it has made approximately 5,000 visits.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia