The Mayor of Alhama, Diego Conesa, and the Councillor for Education, Mariola Guevara, tonight met with representatives of the AMPAS of the six public schools in Alhama to sign a collaboration agreement between these associations and City Hall.
The Department of Education put in place this school year the program of activities of entertainment and leisure "A more short time", for all pre-school children and primary schools of the municipality and its districts.
This program establishes a minimum fee of 8 euros, affordable to all families, with the aim that no child stay outside.
The amount is intended entirely to ampas needs and to invest in improvements to their schools.
The agreement reflects the commitment of the City and ampas in managing this fund along the course.
Establishes percentages where each ampa allocate 50% to the bank book, 35% to fund educational projects and investing in equipment and other educational needs and the remaining costs of management and operation of ampa 15%.
The main objective is the creation, improvement and expansion of banks books in schools for all children to go progressively taking free textbooks.
Another major objective establishes the collaboration between the city and ampas in the programming and management of all these activities.
The head of the AMPA CEIP Sierra Espuña, Maria Rosario Muñoz, highlighted the program "has made it easier for public schools can opt for a wide range of support in studies and physical activities to children who previously could afford and we It helps integrate everyone. "
The mayor, Diego Conesa recalled the commitment of the municipal government to improve public education in the municipality, seeking equal conditions and opportunities in all schools.
"We are committed to offer a wide range of services in schools in the evenings and weekends" he highlighted.
Finally he thanked the ampas their work and also asked them to continue holding meetings to improve these performances.
"We want the proximity to the school and educational quality are the factors that prevail in the election center by parents and we get a more sustainable, pleasant and better people."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia