THE FOUR Brotherhoods signatories of this
The Board of Brotherhoods Pasionarias of Alhama de Murcia, according to church rules and canon law, is made up of: The Confraternity of Our Father Jesus Nazarene Brotherhood of Saint Veronica, The Brotherhood of Santa Maria Magdalena, La Brotherhood of St. John the Evangelist and the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Sorrows and Soledad.
The subsidy received by the Board of Brotherhoods of Alhama de Murcia, is prior to a signed between the City and Guilds Board agreement in a timely manner.
This grant received by the Board of guilds, is divided between its components thereof, depending on the agreement to be taken in this regard.
That on July 7, 2014, unilaterally and according to their own selfish interests without any knowledge of the Board of Brotherhoods.
The Confraternity of Our.
Padre Jesus Nazareno, I presented written in the City of Alhama de Murcia.
In that letter asked by the council to receive as much subsidy, the rest of the fraternities and sororities, depending on the criteria of the Confraternity.
Thus bypassing the Board of brotherhoods, for their own benefit and to the detriment of others.
That on July 18, 2014, the City of Alhama de Murcia, through the Department of Culture and Heritage responds to the Confraternity, completely denying your request and sending the Confraternity has to submit to the decision of the Board of Guilds Alhama de Murcia, which is what ensures processions in our town.
That on March 16, 2016, The Confraternity of Our Father Jesus Nazareno, presents pending before the City of Alhama de Murcia, and it states: "THE ARCHICOFRADIA REMOVED BY OWN DECISION OF THE BOARD OF COFRADIAS. "
Given this situation and after learning of the claims of the Confraternity of Our Father Jesus of Nazareth and its express decision and states not part of the Board of Brotherhoods Pasionarias Alhama de Murcia.
At a meeting held at the headquarters of the Board of Guilds, on April 8, 2016, it was agreed by an absolute majority withhold payment of the portion that corresponds to the Confraternity of the grant of the City.
Such withholding shall be effective until the Board of Brotherhoods receive official communication by the City of Alhama de Murcia and the Bishopric of Cartagena, of the situation is the Confraternity of Our Father Jesus Nazareno.
With the sole purpose of not incurring a legal failure, the grant of the subsidy received by the Board of Guilds to an institution, which has expressed in writing not belong to the Board of guilds.
Finally, communicate the undersigned, belong to the Board of Brotherhoods of Alhama de Murcia Pasionarias.
We are and continue to work for unity, dialogue, respect and consensus by our processions, to aggrandize each year Holy Week in Alhama de Murcia.
Brotherhood of Saint Veronica.
Brotherhood of St. Mary Magdalene.
Brotherhood of San Juan Evangelista.
Brotherhood of Our Lady of Sorrows and Soledad