After an intense morning visiting the nearly thirty enrolled in Mayos Mayos Contest 2016, the jury made known midafternoon the awards this year.
Adults in the category, was won first prize La Peña Peak, May costumbrista located in the C / Nicolas de la Peñas and equipped 500 € and a trophy.
The second prize of 300 € and trophy adult category was awarded to the Group of Songs and Dances Virgen del Rosario, located in C / Santa Gema, and the third was for Peña aboard the train, mayo located in the Garden the Americas was awarded a prize of 200 € and a trophy.
In the children category the first prize, € 100 and a trophy, he went to the AMPA CEIP Virgen del Rosario, being deserts the second and third prize.
The jury awards and the Department of Celebration decided to allocate two special mentions of the jury, the quality of the Mayos and topical subject treated.
Being graceful 60 € and a trophy, May PULL-UP Peña, located in Avda. Espuña and May Neighborhood Association Virgen del Rosario, located in grapefruits, and dedicated to Cervantes.
In addition to the above, the prize for the most critical Mayo, "John Andreo" € 150 prize and a trophy, was for Peña La Fosca, located in the Garden of the Martyrs.
The Award for Most Original Mayo.
150 € and a trophy was won by the May Cast 11 located in the Plaza de Las Americas, and the award for most Traditional May 150 € and a trophy, was for May CEIP Gines Diaz San Cristobal, located in the own school.