Carmen Requena and fry in 1000 for Elena Liaño |
The sight of our basic athletics again provide a fantastic afternoon in Alhama de Murcia.
The athletics track of Lower Guadalentín Sports Complex hosted the First Saturday Final Benjamin - Youngsters - Outdoor Children under the organization Alhama Athletics Club, with a huge level that resulted in the achievement of two new regional superlatives.
Thus the athlete Eliocroca Carmen Requena became the youngest of 500m.l. regional record with a time of 1: 38.16 that surpassed the 1: 38.34 that alhameña Angeles Gonzalez stated in Lorca on May 9 last year.
Meanwhile, Elena Liaño still fulminating his own 1,000m regional juvenile record.
Two weeks after returning to beat him with 3: 17.14 achieved in Elche during the Interprovincial Meeting Alevín - Children Castellón - Alicante - Valencia - Murcia, the athlete CA Murcia Tovarsport downgraded by nearly three seconds off his time, leaving the new record in 3: 14.78.
In the youngest male category, the fastest in 500m.l.
William would legs, Athletics Alhama (1: 41.97) in length equally winner (3.77) and in 2000 Alvaro Moreno, Athleo Cieza UCAM (8: 18.42) and height Alberto Valverde, F. Alamo Regional CjRural (1.11 ).
The win disk 600g.
It was for the athlete Alejandro CD Eutyches Bolarín (18.32).
On the female side benjamín, mentioned that regional record for Carmen Requena in 500m.l.
(1: 38.16), in 2000 the athlete CD Hoya del Campo Laura Mora (8: 13.96) was imposed being victorious in height to Alicia Escoriza, the Clinic Puerto Lumbreras - Mobel Sport - CA Nogalte (1.08).
Nerea Fernandez, the Cruz de Caravaca, was the best weight 2kg.
(6.78) with 200 g ball win.
for Fátima Hernández, AC Jumilla Wines DOP (2055).
And with regard to the juvenile category, in the men's section title in 60m.l.
corresponded to Mateo Perez, Mazarrón Athletics (8.87), winning in 1000 the athlete Torre Pacheco CA Taha Rebai (3: 15.29) in length and Jesus Lopez, the Nutribán Athletic Sewer Company (4.48).
Ismael Barceló, CA Torre Pacheco, was done with the 400g javelin win.
(22.17) and Jose Toledo, Athletics Alhama weight 2kg.
In juvenile female, said the new regional record in 1000 for Elena Liaño (3: 14.78), the fastest in 60m.l.
the athlete would Clinic Puerto Lumbreras - Mobel Sport - CA Nogalte Atsede Cristina Hernandez (8.74), while Julieta Garcia won in length, the Nutribán Athletic Sewer Company (4.37).
Victoria Ponce, Puerto Lumbreras Clinica - Mobel Sport - CA Nogalte, took the victory by weight 2kg.
(8.18) and Carla Martinez of the School Athletics La Manga, in ball 300g.
In the male child paragraph, the fastest in 80m.l.
Alfonso would Bastidas, Mazarrón Athletics (1040), winning in 1000 the independent Werku Lopez (2: 54.85) and in 3000 the independent Alvaro also Garzo (10: 53.56), the 220m victory.
Achraf 0.76 for Hassouni fences, Athletics Alhama (34.11) and pole vault for club-mate Pedro Muñoz (2.75).
Marcelo Solana, CD Eutyches, was the best in length (4.94) and Miguel Angel Fernandez of Cehegín Athletics, disk 800g.
(29.41) and Murcia Tovarsport CA Athlete Luis Bey 3kg hammer.
With regard to female junior class, best in 80m.l.
would be the athlete CA Murcia Tovarsport Ana Irene Elewe (10.67) also winning in length (4.86), with victory in 1000 to Ana Maria Avellaneda, the UCAM Athleo Cieza (3: 18.43) and 3,000 for Souad El Arrouji, the F. CjRural Alamo Regional (11: 16.58).
Nerea Arts, the Hotel La Paz - ADAYeclano, won the 220m.
0,76 hurdles (35.09), doing the same in the pole vault Celia Martinez of Athletic Sewer Company Nutribán (1.80) and disk 800g.
Esther Borras, the Hotel La Paz - ADAYeclano (21.65), beating 3kg hammer.
his club mate Claudia Molina (18.63).
Source: FAMU