This activity, aimed at children 8 to 13 years, will take place from 21 to 27 July in the Nature "The Stables" (south of Sierra Espuña side).
Requests to participate will be held at the Tourist Office of Alhama de Murcia until May 31 at 12 h.
Participants will be in a position to pre-registered and if applications exceed the number of seats available, an award lottery will be held on June 8.
The price of the camp is 298 euros.
The Commonwealth Tourism Espuña subsidize 60 euros participants registered in the member municipalities (Aledo, Alhama, Mula, Pliego and Totana).
In the Tourist Office you can also collect information about the camp, or download it from the web .
If you need clarification, you can contact the tlf.
608 301 115 or write an email to
We recall that the schedule Alhama Tourist Office Monday through Friday from 9 to 14 h.
and 17 to 20 h.
and Saturdays from 10 to 13 h.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia