Full this month began with the usual procedural matters and a proposal by Councilman Works and Services on the reduction of the corresponding investment contract for waste collection service amortization.
In other matters we include:
From the group of Izquierda Unida-Los Verdes took two proposals, one on pesticides and one on social housing in the Advisory Committees, it was decided to present jointly by all groups.
Regarding pesticides we said: The municipality of Alhama de Murcia contains not only urbanized areas but a large area devoted to crops of various kinds.
The maintenance of such crops and plants in parks and gardens is a need to control their pests and diseases.
For this purpose different methods and products are used, among which are mainly synthetic pesticides, substances that have the disadvantage of being toxic to the human species and other living and pollute the air, soil and water beings.
And we requested that we inform local groups of phytosanitary treatments that are performed by the City Council and concessionaires municipal utilities in public spaces, a plan to eliminate the use of herbicides and pesticides is made with the replacement progressive within 3 years for products or authorized in organic farming and encourage the creation of a municipal ecological patrol consisting of members of the local police methods, whose task would control, inspection and enforcement of the protocol to follow.
As for social housing we believe that the effects of the economic crisis continue to affect many families in our country and our town is not on the sidelines.
One of the problems, increasingly stressed, is the lack of housing for families with low income.
The cases are very different, and the lack of a decent income for Joblessness is the main cause.
Following the discussion of this motion We reached the following agreements: Starting immediately a new round of talks with financial institutions that are based in the town of Alhama de Murcia in order to create a housing stock under a social rent, putting available to citizens in precarious economic situation the homes, property of financial institutions are closed and authorize the Mayor to carry these conversations directly or delegate to the councilor or councilors as it deems appropriate.
Since the group Citizens a proposal on sports medicine was made, before which state that: In IU-Greens believe that sport and physical activity is essential for maintaining health and to improve the quality of life of citizens.
It is necessary for the promotion of sport at all levels, giving a voice to athletes to participate in their planning and management.
So we expressed in our electoral program, in which we proposed the development of a Municipal Comprehensive Plan for Physical Activities and Sports.
However, what was asked this motion goes far beyond municipal powers also mingles public and private, without defining its actual scope, and without reference to who should develop its plan.
Citizens also from a motion on gender identity to which we said that in education is necessary to address these situations arose.
And to perform actions to promote the full integration of students not conform to their gender assigned at birth, and to avoid any form of social exclusion, securing in scope, the protection and respect because of their gender identity, and However, support families to normalize the situation of his son, advising that facilitate the development of the personality of a freely and without repression, listen to their feelings and not look away.
In the round of questions and questions asked about the draft Procurement for cover food market, on the state of talks on the Paramount and the escudo de Alhama, among others.
Source: IU-verdes Alhama de Murcia