A point of this city is the final approval of the RPT (Jobs Ratio) and the resolution of two allegations made by two officials within the law to protect them.
One of the allegations and the report of the Personnel Section is not really about the RPT but the resolution that has been followed for the provision of job Administrative General Secretariat, which states that that position has been awarded unilaterally by the government team and is not taken into account the principles of equality, merit and ability, or given the opportunity to other house officials to opt for that post.
The undersigned official claim submitted a letter dated March 2 requesting his secondment to the post of Administrative General Secretariat and its request has not been addressed.
We also doubt the provision of this position and this process will continue informing.
The second of the allegations is that presented by the Local Police Sergeant who believes that discrimination has occurred to him not to review your specific add making a distinction with other policemen.
Undoubtedly, and as the report indicates staff is a political decision by the current government, while some of the issues specified in the written statement of this official in the strictly political and personal sphere of people in it is named.
The Popular Party supports and understands that officials use legal means of allegations when they feel they have been treated not as they should.
Another point that was passed by the request for full repayment of amortization of contract garbage and solid waste.
Once after ten years of the period of depreciation of machinery included in the contract, you can claim a refund that money or use it in service improvements.
The government team has opted for recovery of that money so they want to sell us who have made a great management by such a discovery, however, upon entering to rule first thing they did was raise taxes and increase the municipal budget by about one million euros.
The Popular Party does not see savings anywhere, also hope the service will not be affected and alhameños have to do the dirty streets as shown with photos sent to us by neighbors who was councilman of works and services of the previous legislature .
As for the Way of Schools which gives access to the College Azaraque in this full forced expropriation to desanchar the way it was approved.
In this sense the former government team had the record on the table and the current mayor paralyzed him claiming he come to an agreement with neighbors.
Well, we have lost a year in processing to finally reach the same place, with all the damage that has been caused to parents who bring their children to this school.
One of the motions passed by is full of persona non grata APPOINT A Ornaldo OTEGUI, a person who caused so much pain in the darkest stage of the recent history of Spain.
Only Citizens and People's Party voted in favor, on the contrary PSOE and IU voted against.
Poor memory has the Socialist Party not remember the period ruled Felipe González.
a joint motion of all local groups in which at its operative paragraphs urging the mayor to hold talks with banks to the ownership of the same and they are closed, homes can donate social rent are also presented.
There were other points C's motion a Health Plan for Athletes where the mate Diego Sanchez Popular Party presented us with a proposal of work in which to draw up a future project aimed at improving the health of alhameños.
In question and answer intervened the Popular Party to ask the council of public safety for the troops to be put on trial there on Sunday at national level, as it has come to us they are cutting back on patrols.
However, in the celebrations of the Mayos they not skimp on security € 4,700 spending nearly tripling compared to previous years.
Source: PP Alhama de Murcia