On Sunday June 26 the second elections were held in the last six months, in which the Popular Party was the most voted with 137 seats.
From here we express our congratulations to them and citizens who have given their support.
The right-wing bloc has obtained a majority support in this election and Mariano Rajoy who is responsible for taking steps to try to form a government.
The Socialist Party appeared to these elections in a very difficult context and the fragmented national political landscape.
We have overcome the bad omens, called "sorpasso" (overtaking, in Italian).
We did it in December and we again do now, against a coalition of more than twenty games for the sole purpose of winning the PSOE.
But against all we have reaffirmed us as the first match of the Spanish left and who gets to lead the opposition.
We are not happy with the results and make self-criticism touches.
Our desire has always been to form a government of change that would end cuts of the Popular Party and carry out the reforms that Spain needs to get out of this situation.
Our commitment to society will remain the same, eradicating poverty, eliminating inequality and gender violence, modernize our economy, end unemployment, regenerate democratic life, fight corruption, recover a social Europe, democratic and welcoming and reform the Constitution.
No doubt the discourse of fear of the Popular Party has permeated people, the "better known evil" has pushed hundreds of thousands of Spaniards to place their trust in a party that their own voters acknowledge that they deserve.
Locally we listen to members of the PP, welcomed the results and highlight the decline in votes from other groups.
We said in December, and we repeat, that have nothing to do general elections with local, where the candidate list and projects are critical, above acronyms.
The People's Party won 6,128 votes Alhama in 2011 and 4,106 four years later, losing almost 35% of the electorate, while the PSOE won 1,967 votes in 2011 and 1,962 on Sunday, keeping the results.
It notes that the PSOE de Alhama has spent zero euros this campaign, unlike the Popular Party, who has put up signs to inform that do not put posters, have sent letters to all households when they came out in the media saying they were not going to send letters or something as grotesque as put advertising in the local media to say that this year they advertised.
We want to give our sincere thanks to the auditors and agents of the Socialist Party, who worked all day at polling stations.
And how could it be otherwise, we must thank the 5,424,709 people who voted for us in these elections throughout Spain.
Alhama recent election results:
General Elections 2011
PP - 6,128
PSOE - 1,967
General Elections 2015
PP - 3,686
PSOE - 2,077
PP - 4,106
PSOE - 1,962
Local Elections 2015
PP - 2,970
PSOE - 3,453
Source: PSOE Alhama de Murcia