This morning has started in the Job Center Language Skills Workshop, which takes place within the itinerary for users of Social Services.
The course lasts nine months and imparts Bouchura Mghabar Guendouli, professor of Spanish for Arab people.
The Mayor of Alhama de Murcia, Diego Conesa and Felipe García, Councillor of Social Services and Nani Navarro, Councillor for Equality, have welcomed the attendees and have maintained a chat with them.
Students thanked the Mayor this initiative, which they consider very important for their full integration, and are committed to continue the course and practice what they have learned in their daily lives.
The mayor stressed that "efforts should be on both sides and, beyond regional powers, this team of government commitment to integrate its neighbors through education. The only way is to overcome language barriers" .
The day passed in a cordial atmosphere and laid the groundwork running the course that begins today and that others will follow.
The aim is to increase the possibilities of integration of foreign families who live and work in Alhama.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia