Tuesday took place the regular full-October, where the main point was the initial approval of the Tax Ordinance, a standard for taxation, prices and fees paid by alhameños for services provided to them.
This year the municipal government has taken into account various technical aspects to improve and facilitate the payment of taxes neighbors and give them more information.
Two bonuses have been contemplated, on the one hand, the reduction of 10% in the rate of waste to all companies in the Industrial Park.
From now changes the collection system to eliminate the problem that currently exists containers in the streets of the Polygon.
Collection will company by company, with enabled within each container.
On the other hand, the ordinances are modified for any company, especially those who have more facilities to hire workers, to extend the bonus they have for building permit (ICICI), from 30% to 60%.
To do so have the possibility to hire people with difficulties leaving the bag bag of social exclusion, in order to reintegrate the labor market.
This is a step in the structural change that has made the socialist government of Alhama in regulating aid of Social Services.
there is no food bank or bills in supermarkets are paid, but users must perform a training pathways for 9 months and become part of an employment agency through which, if they hire these companies, They will be benefited.
Once again we regret the tone of some of the questions posed by the council of the Popular Party, permanently seeking sensationalism and not respecting his word collaboration in key areas such as the local police and public safety.
Source: PSOE Alhama de Murcia