Full initially approved the Tax Ordinance for next year 2017. They contain a number of clarifications of technical proposals for the collection service on the Body Collection, time to take effect tax credits, direct debit or increased 18,000 to 30,000 in the amounts owed will be necessary to provide a guarantee of payment for fractionation.
Regarding the Tax Ordinance of Construction, Installations and Works, the possibility bonus in the works subject to planning permission in the section that includes the first buildings or buildings made by companies which promote employment expands.
The percentage of current bonus is set at 30% for companies evidencing an increase of average permanent contracts, with the amendment could be extended up to 40%, 50% and 60% if hired for a period of one year 5, 10 or 15 workers at risk of social exclusion accredited by the municipal social services.
From IU-Green we show our doubts about this issue because we felt that if 30% is granted crediting increased fixity on staff, increased to another 30% more for temporary employment for a year was not consistent with the meaning of the bonus.
So we abstained in this initial approval.
Regarding the special use of public roads, the possibility of special interest periods or municipal utility bonificar up to 100% of quota.
a bonus of 10% rate of collection of solid waste in the industrial area is also set for a new collection system door to door.
And a 20% bonus for building permits subject to declaration accompanying responsible project works.
As for the public costs related to the new installation of the climbing wall and modified downward bonus by using the tennis courts are included.
In point 5th proceeded to rectify the transcription error regarding the determination of local holidays for 2017, keeping the February 2nd (Thursday) and substituting October 9 (Monday) by the October 6 (Friday).
In the section of prayers and questions we are interested in the activities engaged in the archaeological site of the Murtal, the implementation of the commitments of transparency of the Urban Entity Condado de Alhama, the current situation on the controversy of a family doctor, the Literary Contest Alfonso Martinez Mena, or the operation of the Council of Celebration.
Source: IU-verdes Alhama de Murcia