On the part of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, a Cadastral Regularization Procedure (CPR) is being carried out in all municipalities in the common territory (7,594 municipalities with 37 million urban properties and 40 million rural parcels).
It will be developed during the year 2017 and will be limited to properties that do not tax in accordance with reality, as a consequence of a relevant unrecognized alteration.
From December 31, 2016 until November 30, 2017, this PRC is being carried out in Alhama de Murcia, in compliance with the Resolution of the Directorate General of Cadastre (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration) of November 20 Of 2016 (BOE No. 315, of 30 / XII).
The same is intended to update the Cadastre by incorporating the real estate and its alterations (such as extensions, rehabilitations and changes of use) that do not appear in the same and that therefore, suppose a tax fraud real estate to not coincide the Description of the property that is inscribed in the cadastre with real estate reality.
Its legal regulation is found in the Third Additional Provision of the consolidated text of the Real Estate Cadastre Law (approved by Royal Decree Law 1/2004, dated March 5), according to the wording given by Law 16/2012, of December 27, Which adopts various tax measures aimed at consolidating public finances and boosting economic activity.
Finally, it is informed that the regularization of the cadastral description of the properties under this procedure will exclude the application of the sanctions that could have been demanded by the fulfillment of the obligation to declare the change or the alteration of the property.
However, this procedure entails the application of the cadastral regularization rate, with the character of a state tax, the amount of which is 60 euros per property subject to the regularization procedure.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia