On Wednesday, March 8, the program Conectando Pedanías began a new stage in its progress with the "Discover the Pedanía" block of activities, visiting El Berro.
In this phase of the program the educational centers of Alhama will also know El Cañarico and La Costera, with the unit schools with which they are twinned.
In these excursions you will discover the most characteristic of the traditions, culture and environment of the surroundings of these districts and how is the day to day of his companions.
The program Conectando Pedanías will develop all this block of activities throughout the second quarter with the same methodology used in the previous one, called "Descubre Alhama".
In order to do this, it will carry out a series of activities prior to the excursion, such as reading a comic set in each of the villages, research on the fauna and flora characteristics of the environment, with the help of a field guide developed for the program, acquisition Of vocabulary in English related to each of the topics worked and will conclude with the writing of a news about his experience discovering the twin brotherhood.
All these activities are designed so that they can serve as a resource that complements the teaching program.
The students and teachers are showing great interest by participating actively in all activities, with great enthusiasm and curiosity to know more closely their colleagues from the districts.
The program will end its activity in May with a coexistence in each of the districts.
You can find all the information related to the program and monitor their activities on the web http://conectandopedanias.wixsite.com/conectandopedanias
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia