Alhama City Council has signed a new agreement with the parents' associations of the six public schools in the municipality that will serve to collaborate in the program of leisure and leisure activities launched by the Department of Education, as well as the creation Of book banks for this year 2017.
The council assumes the programming and management of the workshops and activities, which will be developed this year from Monday to Friday from 16.00 to 19.00.
And that will allow to continue opening the schools in the evenings.
It establishes a monthly fee of eight euros per student with which you can access two workshops for leisure and free time, and five euros more for each workshop that is added.
The total amount, which reaches 20,000 euros, will go to the AMPAS;
50% will be used to fund and expand book banks in schools, 35% to finance educational projects and to invest in materials and the remaining 15% to management and operating expenses of the association.
The Department of Education has maintained this program since 2015/2016, aimed at children from 3 to 12 years old, with activities that are shaped as a recreational and formative element, seeking to foster the climate of coexistence and enhancing values ​​such as collaboration, cooperation and Respect, as well as helping to acquire teamwork skills.
Among the activities offered are those of a playful nature (theater, painting, dance, guitar), sports and motor (motor skills, body language, dramatization) and reading animation.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia