The Department of Health performs from November 7 to 17 the third course on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillator management, involving 18 students from different schools with a total of 12 hours of training.
The course directs him again with José Luis Garre Sánchez, doctor and President of the Red Cross in Alhama ( in the conference room of the Business Incubator for Women, located on Louis Pasteur Street, s / n.
The first of these trainings ( began last March and was attended by janitors, sports monitors and local police officers.
Then there was a second shift for teachers of schools and nursery schools, teachers of the institutes and staff of sports centers.
Cardioprotected facilities
The City Council of Alhama de Murcia and the FFRM signed an agreement in March to donate three defibrillation equipment for football fields and municipal pavilions where futsal is played in the municipality and they do not have them.
The defibrillators are located in the soccer fields of the Guadalentín sports complex, in the Adolfo Suárez pavilion and in the Sierra Espuña pavilion.
The City Council has also acquired nine external semiautomatic defibrillators (DESA), which together with those already existing in different municipal offices or in the Red Cross, come to form the basis of an allocation of means that will allow Alhama to be converted little by little into a cardioprotected municipality .
Five more of these devices will soon be added, one for each parish (the initiative that received most support in the participatory budgets of 2016) and some more for other municipal buildings, including the Town Hall.
The importance of the defibrillator
It is an electronic device, in this portable case, that diagnoses and treats this cardiorespiratory arrest when it is caused by a fibrillation or a ventricular tachycardia (there is electrical activity in the heart, but without mechanical effectiveness or with ineffective pumping).
Thanks to an electric shock managed by the DESA, an effective heart rate can be restored electrically and mechanically.
What does this mean?
Well, when a person, of whatever age, enters cardiorespiratory arrest, something that happens in our country once every 20 minutes, every minute of delay in acting to treat that condition, the chances of survival will be reduced by 10 minutes. %.
To avoid this, a set of actions that make up the so-called "survival chain" come into play, in such a way that if the chances of survival are correctly applied, and even if there are no sequelae, they are high.
In that "chain" the disposition and good use of a defibrillator can be decisive.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia