The municipal council approved on November 14 the strategy 'Alhama para vivirla' 2017-2023, prepared by this City Council and written by the technicians of the Technological Center of Energy and Environment (CETENMA), in collaboration with several officials from different areas of the townhall.
It also approved the request for financial aid, amounting to 5 million euros, for the selection of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development strategies co-financed by the ERDF operational program.
Third attempt to get these grants
On October 26, 2015, the City Council of Alhama officially presented the initiative 'Alhama Suma', a global strategy promoted by the local government to achieve sustainable urban development for the coming years, with a team led by the consultancy Albant & Inedit .
This gave name to a whole line of work aimed at identifying the current challenges that Alhama faces from the economic, environmental, climatic, demographic and social point of view, as well as the opportunities and potentials for its future development.
Under 'Alhama Suma' has been accommodated to the work of citizen participation that began from the constitution of the new municipal Corporation.
The strategy was approved in the plenary session of January 11, 2016, as well as the request for financial aid through the FEDER program of sustainable growth 2014-2020, which was requested only two days later.
Alhama was not selected, according to the resolution of September 29 of that same year, published in the BOE, for not having obtained sufficient score.
On October 7, 2016, the Official State Gazette published a second call for the selection of DUSI strategies.
The technicians of the City Council carried out a work of restructuring the previous document, approved by the extraordinary plenary session on December 13, 2016, which was also not selected, according to the resolution of May 18, 2017.
On September 21, 2017 the BOE published the third call for these grants, framed in turn in the Europe 2020 Strategy. Alhama again opts, again requesting a maximum amount of 5 million euros, out of a total of 22.4 million with which the Region of Murcia has for municipalities of more than 20,000 inhabitants.
On this occasion the City Council has retaken the project that was presented previously, commissioning its revision to CETENMA, which were already authors of the document presented by the City of San Javier that was selected in the first call.
See project:
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia