This Wednesday December 6 has been celebrated the day of the patron of Civil Protection, San Nicolás de Bari, in an act that has counted with the presence of the mayor of Alhama de Murcia, Diego Conesa, the councilor of Civil Protection, Felipe García, and the Councilman of Attention to the Neighbor, Pedro Lopez.
In addition to one of the coordinators, Lali Díaz.
The event, in which around twenty volunteers from this group and representatives of Civil Protection of the municipalities of Librilla and Totana, as well as members of the Red Cross, have served to highlight the work carried out by these volunteers.
Felipe García has told them that "time is the most important thing we have throughout our lives and sharing it with others makes you whole people", thanking them for their work.
The coordinator thanked her colleagues for their willingness to work as a team and respond to the needs demanded by the City Council, attending emergencies and events.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia