The Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda, through the Ministry of Tourism, has just sent a statement to the City of Alhama de Murcia in which he announces the following:
"I am pleased to inform you that, once all the documentation in which the declaration of the Festival of National Tourist Interest was requested to the Los Mayos party of Alhama de Muria, this Secretary of State has decided to grant the requested honorary title.
At the same time, I inform you that, with this same date, I refer the Delegate of the Government in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia and the Employment, Universities and Business Council of the aforementioned Autonomous Community, the decision taken to grant the mentioned distinction ".
A title for all the town of Alhama driven from the councils of Celebrations and Tourism
On January 31, 2013, the Plenary of the Corporation requested this recognition from the Secretary of State for Tourism.
To this end, the agreement, the memorandum and explanatory annexes, documents and audiovisual material that completed the file were forwarded, with the objective that this body issue a report, as reflected in ORDER ITC / 1763/2006, of May 3, by which regulates the declaration of holidays of national and international tourist interest.
The application file, together with the favorable report from the Autonomous Community, was sent on April 1, 2014 to the Subdirectorate General for Development and Sustainability of the Ministry of Tourism.
After studying it, the Deputy Director General asked the City Council of Alhama de Murcia to correct the file by accompanying her writing with a technical evaluation note that indicated the requirements of the application.
After the referral of correction by the City Council, on February 9, 2015, the General Subdirectorate for Tourism Development and Sustainability reported that, once the documentation received was reviewed, only four promotion actions were considered valid, being necessary to provide sixteen promotional actions more within 10 days and, if the required documentation is not received, the corresponding procedure was declined in its right.
However, when they met, the declaration could be requested again.
That is why in 2015 a complementary promotional action was carried out and during the years 2016 and 2017 there have been 17 more actions, so that the file now includes a total of 22 insertions in traditional media (written press, radio and national television), thus meeting the established requirements.
The Department of Tourism has continued to date the procedures to request again the declaration of festivity of National Tourist Interest for Los Mayos, "for the benefits that could bring to our party this title, exclusively honorary," Councilor Alicia Martinez explains .
The mayor of Alhama de Murcia, Diego Conesa, who presented in the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism last December the file for the Declaration of National Tourist Interest of the Mayos festival, after the plenary agreement of last 28 of November 2017 that unanimously approved this process, today thanked "how many people have contributed to the achievement of this deserved recognition."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia