It has already been a year since, adopting a prudential criterion, the cessation of the liquidation of the capital gains tax was approved.
All this as a consequence of the decision of the Constitutional Court that has estimated that if there is no increase in the value of the transmissions, there is no place for its liquidation.
Despite the requirements of the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, the Rajoy Government continues without giving an answer to this situation of paralysis that has serious consequences for the municipalities.
Faced with this situation of uncertainty and legal uncertainty, our Consistory has been called to the approval of a new extension, for a new period of 6 months.
Appointments were also updated in municipal collegiate bodies in which the members of the Corporation participate, as a result of the resignation and inauguration of a new councilor of the Municipal Citizens Group.
In the fourth point, the 7th ICIO bonus proposal was presented from April 2017, at the request of Elpozo Alimentación for the promotion of stable employment, increasing from 30% to 60% for hiring workers from the municipal social exclusion pool.
The applicant company has always opted for the maximum of the bonus, committing to make 15 full-time contracts for a period of one year.
Given that the municipal social exclusion stock market began to be operational in October 2017, four bonus licenses are already accumulated in April and August, one in November, another in the full past of February and this full ordinary in March.
This causes several projects to be superimposed over time, something that we hope will not produce any kind of interpretative conflict of the norm.
From IU-Green we explained that on these bonuses, today, we only know that the process of selection of workers, is done in the department of human resources of the Company, and little else we know about the follow-up of the same on the part of Municipal Social Services.
Therefore, until October 1, 2018, the fulfillment of the commitments acquired by the beneficiary company can not be verified.
For this reason, our Group formally requested a report from the Municipal Social Services on the process of selection and operation of this stock exchange and we abstained in the approval.
In the past full of February it was approved to begin the hiring of the Service of Collection, Transport, Treatment and Elimination of Urban Waste and Street Cleaning.
However, the current concessionaire has requested a new extension of one year in the provision of the service, which would be the fourth of five possible.
Agreeing the denial and continuation until the new adjudication. We abstained in the vote and reiterated our commitment to more efficient municipal public services at the service of citizenship, as well as the remunicipalization of the concession services.
Finally, we show our support for the demands of the AELIP and its manifesto for World Lipodystrophy Day.
Our Group, in addition to talking about this disease, emphasized the need to promote research, which claimed in its speech the recent Alhameña Violeta Award, Sonia Águila.
In the question and answer section, we are interested in the disabling of the Nursery built in the Secanos, as well as the availability of municipal premises for groups and associations.
Source: IU-verdes Alhama