The Ministry of Public Works and Planning, in collaboration with the city of Alhama de Murcia, has completed the works under the first phase of the restoration of facades of the town.
The intervention, which has been subsidized by the regional government by 75 percent, has been carried out in the historic center of town, particularly in the urban environment of the Plaza Vieja, which include property and buildings included in the Catalogue of Goods and Protected Areas Alhama de Murcia.
The scheme fits within the program 'Adaptation and restoration of facades, roofs and medians', which aims to protect and preserve those buildings of architectural value, to recover and its essential and original identity.
The Director General of Planning and Housing, Antonio Navarro, noted that the architectural interest of the intervention on Calle Larga de Alhama de Murcia "is justified largely by its location in the heart of the town's historic core and its main façade, which responds to the usual residential types in this area. "
The work funded by the Directorate General of Land and Housing and the City of Alhama de Murcia have focused on the recovery of Arab tile roofs and facades, as well as improved windows and repair of joinery and locks.
Source: CARM