Rating regular plenary in July 2011]
Regular plenary session of July, with fourteen points on the agenda to be addressed, and where we can highlight the clearance of accounts of the Department of Finance on unpaid bills, according to the specifications of the Delinquency Act in operation commercial, in which our council is aware, and the record budget modifications consisting give credit bills provision by 2010 without an amount of 145,663 euros, and is now approved to be paid, invoices for Department of culture and festivities of the previous legislature, and other general administration, sports, districts ... also approved a supplemental credit record, to provide more money for items that are insufficient to meet the planned expenditure which includes items as changes to the costumes in the PRAICO sports, work on the plan of works and services, items of social security, pension plan and employment of civil servants, agreement with the Red Cross, productivity, contributions to public bodies, all with the reallocation of money appropriated for items that are not going to perform or the remainder thereof after completion and the new table showing the total expenditure of the cost of this corporation and 475,826 per year lower the former team with 17 councilors and five political groups, to 465,827 euros per year, considering that by law have gone to 21 councilors, four more, and that we are a political group less evidence of the reduction commitment agreed in campaign .
It was also approved declare the cleaning contract and the granting of Camping and initiate an urgent re-employment of these two services.
In terms of planning was approved almost unanimously by the full both the planning agreement as Amendment 2 of PGMO, two points related to the implementation in the town declared a theme park tourist region.
On the one hand approving the planning agreement, exposed since March this year, and where the council and Premursa (Major projects of Murcia, SA), such as driving business performance, set the channel of cooperation between the two entities for the effective implementation of this investment in Alhama de Murcia, whose term is estimated in March next year, describing the project itself, location, farm inputs, urban steps to follow, and consideration of public interest for our town's park project theme promoted.
Likewise, our council is committed to this project bonuses set forth in our 30% tax ordinance applicable to projects of social and job creators, roasted as the bonus of 90% of IBI during the first three years in construction phase, this reduction also reflected in our current fiscal and regulated by the Local Finance Law, no case of new bonuses but only implement what our ordinance has been established for over eight years.
At the same time outlines a timetable for approvals and simultaneous events ending in March 2012, date set for the commencement of works.
Also approving the Amendment 2 of PGMO with which it aims to provide a premium of use to those actions tourist because of its size, volume of investment and generating jobs have an impact particularly positive in the regional or local economy and and is credited with the express agreement of the competent authority of the CCAA or the plenary Ayto de Alhama de Murcia, prima regulated in other General Plan and which is to equip our new management plan for increased competitiveness in attracting big projects like this .
Otherwise a pretty full over the birth of the commitment this team of accredited government to regulate public participation in the ample opportunity for questions and to work for employment both in local employment counsel and the motion granted with the PSOE, otherwise to thank again the socialist gesture to give this team the confidence to take the reins of municipal government, and full where it took a series of agreements vital to the future of our town and which is still far to go and work, just as we turn now as a team of government.
Source: CCD