This morning the mayor of Alhama de Murcia, Fernando Alfonso Morales Cerón has been received by the Minister of Justice and Home Affairs Chairman, Manuel Campos.
Following the round of visits the mayor is keeping the alhameño regional executive to request improvements to the town this morning has been received by Manuel Campos, who has shown great concern for the needs of the municipality.
Mayor Alhama counselor has exposed the need for a sewage plant Gebas well as a project to adapt the environment Gebas and watercress installing recycling points in both villages.
Moreover, the mayor has asked the House of La Mariana is transferred to the City so that he can manage it and rehabilitation.
Other issues discussed were the need for new vehicles for Local Police and Civil Protection and more uniform for the Local Police and the approval of a local emergency plan, an issue that is working the Department of Public Safety.
The maintenance of municipally-owned environmental farm with good management has consistently been one of the issues raised by counsel as well as new construction plans and services, continued at the opening of CAVI and youth program grants and NETWORKS funds for the rehabilitation of the test room for young people.
Also, Cerón Morales has asked the Minister to expedite the environmental impact statement Paramount project.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Alhama de Murcia