PSOE Alhama]
After the House Budget Special mid-month, we celebrated the Regular February.
Twelve points on the agenda plus any other business.
Of the twelve, seven had the vote for the Socialist Municipal Group, one abstention and four votes against.
Abstentions and votes against, all against our will, and that these were points that we understood the maximum needed consensus.
But it is increasingly difficult to do so, by the dynamics increasingly clear the current government team to ignore some of the recommendations, suggestions and comments from our group will do.
We voted for, among other things, the initial approval of the amendment No. 4 to the Town Planning General Plan, based on the standards of urbanization in the stands and electric conduits.
We also support the initial approval of the Ordinance of Public Roads and the Cooperative Support proposal and the proposal and motion on the 8th of March as "International Women's Day."
We had to vote against the proposal to award the contract for cleaning municipal, consistently so, from the very beginning of this tortuous process of adjudication, in which we revealed since last summer that the most correct and proper legally speaking was roll back the process to full initiation.
The same happened with the proposals of the council of finance, Angel Canovas, concerning the approval of the Convention signed with Industrialhama Urban and initial approval of the ordinance to collect fees in proceeding for the Conservation Entities.
In both initiatives, and making it clear from the outset by the Socialist spokesman Pepe Swords mood of the Socialist group to vote them in favor, not taken into account, neither in Parliament nor in the Information Commission or in the previous meetings held, the comments raised, always on the line to safeguard the rights and obligations of the City and to clarify the Conservation Authorities, especially the Industrial Estate, how they can enforce their legitimate rights to payment summary proceeding through municipal collection service.
We feel deep concern from our group, the spirit of Mr. Canovas, seeking approaches often render impractical the necessary consensus.
We are concerned, and much, this dynamic.
Like we care, and much, attitude and behavior of Mr. Mayor in Full, where each month is showing a more authoritarian disposition, and that's not the worst, but what concerns us are the comments and false statements that puts in the mouths of others.
So it was with the Socialist spokesman Pepe Swords, imputing events that were out of context, totally false, and over which they had the manor has to always understand the figure of the mayor to apologize and retract once asked .
"... And I speak the truth" is the final sentence of the Mayor favorite.
That attitude is what we saw in the discussion phase on the Status of Citizen Participation, in which we abstained when our mind was to vote for the Mayor's main obstinacy not to yield to the claim that we understood logic reduced an average of 15 days to two days the minimum period for questions from the neighbors and residents of Alhama in plenary.
There were other considerations we propose that itself is taken into account, and although we doubt the "participatory spirit" of the government team and other parts of the standard, we wanted to vote for him in favor with this simple change we understand was common sense.
As common sense and sensitivity, we believe it has been mainly the Mayor, city events, which are but an expression and a channel for citizen participation, as being done by the Platform for Fair location Leiva Valley Institute.
So, please be sensitive to these citizen initiatives, to listen, and rectify if necessary, to rectify is wise.
The same posture of confrontation and discouragement of consensus, we see by all the Team, and especially by the Mayor, in relation to important municipal performance standard as the Organic Regulations.
The current force dates from 1986, agreed by all.
In the previous Legislature created a Commission that it was over, yet just take it to Parliament.
However, the current government team made some changes (two in particular: no need to include the position of defender of the Neighbor, and regular intervention times of the Plenary session), which counted from the start with the outright rejection of all opposition, in line with what has been the general rule of action, without regulations, the City Council in all his democratic credentials.
In that spirit of consensus, we propose to retain even accept the position of defender of the neighbor, but delete the limitation on assistance from the plenary.
Outright rejection has been what we have found by the government team.
Plenary ended with Questions and answers, where as those raised by the Socialist Group Mr. Mayor "hit peteneras" not responding to what we formulated.
In particular, those made by the Socialist councilor Mariola Guevara, on concrete measures against Legionella in municipal schools and other public facilities and the demand for the residents of El Berro about changing the day of the medical visit, reasonable grounds to ask to move from Tuesday to Monday.
The same happened with Diego Conesa questions, regarding the situation to date Paramount project and the statements of its chief promoter, Mr. Samper.
Also asked about the statements that have poured in relation to development costs for the proposed attributing the Institute's location in the last legislative Praico, which he passed, and now a data belie € 800,000 when the same project there are three possibilities, one of 150,000 € and should largely assumed by the owners of the lots.
Spirit of consensus in the current difficult situation is what we want the government team.
For revenge is what we found.
Not surprisingly, the Councillor of Finance, governor for 8 years from 1999 to 2007, and in opposition in the previous legislature.
What did surprise us is the assumption of any proposal by the mayor, his boss at the Team, even though desdigan what he himself, as a councilor, member of the Government and in the end as President of the PP, approved, executed and spent.
We see no good end at all.
Source: PSOE Alhama de Murcia