Following approval of the Municipal Budget for 2012 which lists the financial commitments of our council this year, by the Department of Finance to and within the statutory time limit in the Local Finance Law, is responsible for sealing the fiscal year 2011, a year marked by change of corporation and the execution of a budget as of June (last month of the previous team of government and mid-year) was consumed over 80% of the items expenses, leaving no provision having already in the month of May as tourism councils, parishes ... and some with almost no budget and celebrations or culture.
The first commitment of this new team was reflected in the Financial and Economic Plan we had to pass legally mandated to the outcome of the accounts of 2010, which indicated a net borrowing of EUR 8,724,871.54, and forced to submit such a plan, approved by him full of the corporation, and whose principle is based on not spending more than he admitted, breaking with the criteria indicated in the last four years, a reduction of current expenditures and the related personnel and as chapters of current and capital transfers (grants and contributions for others), plan review was completed with the IBI tax rates and tax our ordinance.
This was done in our ordinance updating the property tax rates and fees, to adjust the income of our city council, followed by a rigorous cost control in all the departments to prevent the occurrence of costs above the budgeted income.
The municipal budget recess staff costs, expenditure on current transfers and capital adjusted current expenditures, with a downward revision of the current major expenditure of our town (electricity, insurance, telephone and postage ...), many of them made and others in danger today.
Once closed the year 2011 and thanks to the efforts to contain the departments in the past six months, we managed to close the year with a remnant of the Treasury for general spending EUR 6,585,814.45 positive, and where the rights granted to for the town hall (€ 19,639,954.81) exceed those obligations until December 31, 2011 (€ 18,682,819.26), ie a positive budget outcome 957,135.55 euros, in tune with the requirements in the Economic and Financial Plan.
They join the five million addition to works by other exercises, which detract somewhat the result achieved, they emerge as this year when costs were not as income from other exercises.
Continue along the lines of economic recovery, broken in the last two years of the last legislature, through the adjustment referred to and the commitment of the Mayor and all councilors with the measures contained in the Economic and Financial Plan.
To this we must add the cleaning we do for doubtful balances (7,130,925.29) which testify to the reality of our accounts to be subtracted as it is more than doubtful collection, and the numbers of our debt, which Thanks to the commitment made since 1999 (last year it was resorted to borrowing with banks before the collapse of the municipal treasury) has made it possible for our municipality today enjoys a good economic health, and can meet their financial obligations.
In June 2011 according to the Municipal Treasury plan noted that from October of that year would have payment problem with the payroll and creditors, today the Treasury plan ensures that payment and guarantees the solvency of our city council from creditors, even without resorting to the ICO loan payments to third parties who will use most of the consistories of our region.
Also highlight the positive saving of 11% and that derived from the settlement of 2011, ie, we end the year with positive cash surplus and positive net savings, indicative of the affordability of our council and cope with the municipal debt.
But this should not confuse, the settings are still more necessary than ever to avoid falling into undesirable situations for everyone and grapple with a tax increase to our citizens, the report budgetary stability remains negative in six months we have gone from a necessity funding of 8.7 million euros to 6.7 million, we reduced two million in six months, but we still have far to go back to the path of a balanced budget broken, and this can only be achieved by containment policies spending and scrupulous adjustment to income received, a policy that once again we will mark the path of the economy sanitation alhameña and direct impact on all our neighbors to the obligation contained in our electoral programs of taking steps to lower further tax burden of all alhameños and our business.
Source: Concejalía de Hacienda Ayto. Alhama de Murcia