On Wednesday March 21 the board met spokesmen, and in it the Municipal spokesperson IU-Green requested the date change of the Whole scheduled for today by its coincidence with the call for general strike, in order that those councilors who wanted to could participate.
Later in Monday's Advisory Committees on 26, both the Municipal Group PSOE and we reiterate this request, as is evident, has not been addressed.
Therefore, in solidarity with the workers, because we are workers and we are working class, and because our social base that we vote and we gave as councilors of this council, we require that they really represent you not only with words but with deeds.
Therefore I am announcing that we will not participate in the debate, especially when the Mayor has not even allowed to debate the motion presented joint PSOE and IU-Green on the possibility of studying a location for a new Valley Institute Leiva more in line with demands of the residents.
Nor has dealt with the application to intervene by Location Platform Institute Fair in the ample opportunity for questions.
Given the brutal assault on the rights of workers, and social decline posed to the general public this reform.
Just as the refusal to give the people participation in municipal affairs that affect them, we have decided to endorse this general strike, not only in our jobs, but also in institutions.
Source: IU-verdes Alhama de Murcia