The People's Party of Alhama de Murcia want to make a regular assessment plenary August, noting especially the initial approval of the Municipal Ordinance of industrial, commercial and other establishments, which we consider very positive ordinance for our neighbors and with which we comply commitment marked on the Local Employment Plan, which speaks to simplify the administrative procedures required to obtain business licenses.
So that once implemented this new ordinance any entrepreneur can with a simple communication to the City Council immediately start its activity and the license will be extended later if all reports are favorable.
With this "express license" will be reduced administrative procedures required to start a business and if telematics using this streamlining will be even greater, since the decision is communicated in a maximum of 24 hours of application, something already announced when he signed the agreement with the INFO on the Alhama became the first municipality in the region with the distinction of "entrepreneurial city".
In addition we also support the decision taken by the Members of declaration of non availability of appropriations, since it requires continuing control policy and budgetary rigor that characterizes our City, in order to ensure fiscal stability law requires us and above all to continue with a sound accounts that allow us to continue to meet our municipal powers.
And is that because of the shortfall in revenue expected to be communicated to us by the Autonomous Community, we are obliged to automatically adjust the cost by the same amount, trying to get the least impact cuts to programs and launched or operating costs of the departments, to avoid reducing the current level of service.
Finally note the refusal on the part of the government team as requested in the motion of IU-Greens on the reform of the law local database system announced by the government of the nation, as we believe that it makes little sense to oppose it is only a first draft of this reform, but since our party we agree with the proposals contained in it, because in a situation of scarce resources such as the present, the municipalities should be limited to exercise its powers and must avoid duplication and overlaps between different administrations, under the premise of "an administration / competition" with the aim of providing the best service to citizens at the lowest cost.
The intention with this amendment is to make clear what the powers of local councils and differentiate the services to be provided by the State and the Autonomous Communities, so that municipalities are not those who take certain services that actually correspond to other government, which is known as "improper powers", a problem that councils are asking for a solution for years.
But not surprising stance IU-Greens group because as usual just follow the directions of his party in all motions seeking to disqualify presenting and demonize all proposals that come Rajoy government.
Also shocking posture socialist group here in Alhama supports this motion to not take away powers, while municipalities governed by his party, like Beniel, announced that from next month will not be responsible for the maintenance and conservation colleges because they believe that education is the responsibility of the Autonomous Community.
Source: PP Alhama de Murcia